A SQLite database that is used in many software packages is considered a standard embedded database. SQLite databases are usually featured in Safari and Mozilla Firefox, in addition to other browsers. In addition, you can store your information in other formats. Mozilla Firefox keeps your preferences, browser history, and other information within a database.
This guide describes how to use SQLite driver for ODBC and how to use it with WinSQL. So we will create an administrative database to hold various information, and then we will see how to retrieve data from it.
For business reasons, you need to download the ODBC from an official website to begin using a relational database.
IMPORTANT: The 64-bit installer works with 64-bit versions of Windows. Since Windows SQL is a 32-bit application, it will only work with a 32-bit.
Once you’ve downloaded the file, open the file and run the installer. This opens the next screen.

A third-party tool is required that installs the ODBC driver. Next, the system prompts the user to execute a step to make sure that the Windows driver is installed and registered successfully.
- Start a WinSQL application on your computer.
- Click Open ODBC Manager under the Tools menu. Refer to the image below.

- The program with your ODBC driver will open on your PC. Click the Drivers tab and make sure you find the three SQLite drivers listed under Options.

Preparing Firefox’s database
The exact same data archiving procedure ought to be employed using Firefox. Be sure to delete the existing vascular connection using the default data storage location of your choice if you are using Firefox’s SQLite database.
- Navigate to the following location on your hard disk in Explorer using Windows:
XP, 2002 & 2003 – C:\\Documents and Settings\YourUserName\Application Data\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\XXXXX.default
Vists, 2008 and Windows 7 – C:\\Users\YourUserName\AppData\Roaming\\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\XXXXX.default
XXXXX needs to be replaced with the actual values displayed on the machine. - A few files will have extensions.sqlite
Copy places.sqlite to another location, such as C:\\temp.sqlite - Improve the .sqlite suffix to .db in this temp folder. Since the default for SQLite is db extension and is less likely to result in errors, we rename the suffix .sqlite to .dbuille.
Connecting from WinSQL
In the database system WinSQL, create a new connection by pulling in the new DNS field from the previous step then clicking OK. SQLite is an excellent database management system with a userID and password, so leave these values blank or use a random string.

Until immediately prior to download, you can debug SQL queries or view existing catalogs.